Unarchiving: Amnesia & Innocence
"The music I cannot dance to
Music I CAN dance to
The Words I cannot say
Does music control me too much
The Words I can say
The fantasies I cannot have/do
The fantasies I have
The Music I cannot dance to
Folk, Native American, Hip Hop, Indian, Mexican (banda, anything really that’s not white or mainstream), rap, gangsta rap, rastafari, Joan Osborne, Sarah McLaughlin, Brazilian, Middle Eastern
Music I CAN dance to
Anything on the radio, classical
The Words I cannot say
Retard, nigger, nigga, wetback, bitch, liar, hypocrite,
Does music control me too much?
Sound is environment like light and ground and architecture and objects and other beings. Things make sounds the way that I make sounds. There’s the sound of nature, and it has its polyrhythms and compositions. Music however is like a giant building being put into a natural landscape, it cannot be ignored or unseen (in this case unheard). It must be contended with and related to as reality because it is a reality of a situation in time and place.
My body is tuned to listen to itself…mind, body, thoughts, blood pressure, emotions, feelings, kinesthetic things, energy, etc… Music can play me easily. I can be lazy, but music can invite me to dance and give me the energy I need to do so. It can also force me to dance, and it can be pushy and artificial like drugs or caffeine perhaps. It can touch me in ways that only it can. It can be about the music and nothing else, and therefore my body and my self-consciousness is free. It can throw me into another world or paint me as a character somewhere on a spectrum of comfort and discomfort, known and unkown, safe and dangerous.
The Words I CAN say
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
The fantasies I cannot have/do
Bondage, power play, bisexual threesome sex, sex with straight friends who are guys, OnlyFans, community-based porn film project,
The fantasies I have
Bondage, Power Play, bisexual threesome sex, sex with straight guy friends of mine, OnlyFans and porn, community-based porn film project
Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR, aid programm DIS-TANZEN by the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland